The magneto-optical part is optional. To enable this part do the following.
- In the magneto-optics sheet click on “add magnetization”.
- give the magnetization direction of all layers and click on apply to all layers. This can be changed on a per layer base in the Properties dialog for each layer.
- In case of measurements with circular light the polarization should be set to left and right circular polarization.
- In the preferences menu activate the following
- To enable full accuracy of calculation enable the Zak matrix formalism as algorithm.
- Check which asymmetry definition for the data you want to use.
- Treat dm and bm as magnetic contribution.
- Load the asymmetry files of your measured data.
- Fill the columns deltam and betam with proper values. The definition is given in the Terms and Definition document.
- Use the mode asymmetry.
Note that the Parrat algorithm is able to calculate magnetic contributions as an approximation. But the polarization must be set to circular light to work properly.
Option: magneto-optics
no magnetization
The magnetic part is automatically disabled. The results are identical as to set <m>Q=delta_m +i beta_m=0</m>.
In this case the Zak formalism will give the same result as Parratt.
add magnetization
The magnetio-optical part is enabled.
magnetization with mag. profile
The magnetio-optical part is enabled and it includes the magnetic profile.
documentation/magnetization.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/20 02:26 by macke